Salwa, S. El-Sayied; Abdel-Aziz, W. H and Abdel-Kader, G.A.( 2009). LAND RESOURCES EVALUATION OF THE SOILS OF EL-SALHYIA,PROJECT, EASTERN DELTA, EGYPT J. Biol. Chem. Environ. Sci., 2009, Vol. 4(3): 391-406
Abstract: Six soil profiles were selected to represent the soils of El-Salhiya project which located in the eastern side of the Nile Delta in order to evaluate their physical and chemical properties of the soils in this project to be classified , land capability for cultivation as well as land suitability for growing crops were carried out. The obtained results reveal that the soils are clay loam or sandy clay loam in the surface layers, sandy loam in the deepest layers. Field capacity (FC); wilting point (WP) and available water (AW) varied from 9.2 to 20%, 4.0 to 9.98% and 2.62 to 15.19%, respectively, while hydraulic conductivity ranged from 6.8 to 15.2 cm/hr. Frequency distribution of pores: (QDP) 1.0 to 12.1; (SDP) 1.2 to 13.21, (WHP):2.5 to 24.9% and (FCP):6.5 to 13.8%, respectively. Chemical properties of the studied area reveal that the soil reaction ranged from 7.2 to 7.9. Soil salinity fluctuates between non saline to slightly saline where EC values ranged from 0.45 to 3.7 dSm-1. Soluble cations are in the order Na+>Ca++>Mg++>K+, while soluble anions following the order Cl->SO4=>HCO3-. Cation exchange capacity of the soils under consideration is in the range of 3.71 to 29.55 Cmolc kg-1. Exchangeable cations follow the order Ca++>Na+=Mg++>K+.
The soils are classified into one order, namely; Entisoils down to the family level.
Order: Entisols
Suborder: Orthents
Great group: Torriorthents
Sub group: TypicTorriorthents
Application of the capability index reveal that the studied soil profiles are placed between (II) and (III) grades
The studied soil profiles are evaluated to determine its suitability for growing 22 crops. Results reveal that the studied soils include suitability class (S2, S3 and N).
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