Wahdan,M.E.M; S.S..ELsayd; G.F.O EL Sheikh and F, S.A.Salama( 2017). Pedological studies on some soils west idfu aswan Egypt by using remote sensing dataFayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev., Vol. 31, No.1, January, 2017
Abstract: Thestudy aims at using satellite images and Geographical Information System (GIS) for physiographic digital soil mapping and capability assessment of the area western side of Idfu district, Aswan Governorate, Western Desert .The area lies between longitude 32° 29¯45= and 32°47¯1332= E and latitudes 24° 22- 38= and 25°8¯36=N and occupies total area about 139000 feddans. To fulfill this objective Landsat ETM+ image and digital elevation model (DEM) of the studied area were used to define the physiographic units of the studied area. The physiographic units of the area under consideration could be grouped and described as young terraces, old terraces, Wadi, Outwash plain .The different landforms were represented by 9 soil profiles, the morphological description was carried out and 26 disturbed soil samples were collected for physical and chemical analysis . The obtained results revealed that the soils of the studied area are classified as follow:
A)-Soils of Old Terraces: Typic Torriorthents, sandy, mixed, hyperthermic.(Profile8).Gypsic Haplosalidscoarse loamy, mixed hyperthermic. (profile9) B)-Soils of the Young terraces: a) Typic Torripsamments siliceaus, hyperthermic (profil,1)-b) Gypsic Haplosalidescoarse loamy, mixed, hyperthermic(profile,2)–c). Typic Haplosalides, oarseloamy,mixed,hyperthermic. profiles 2 and3. C)-Soils of Wadis: Typic Torriorthents, sandy,mixed, hyperthermic (profiles 4 and 5 ) D)-Soils of Outwash Plains:. TypicTorriorthents, sandy,mixed,hyperthermic (profile,6) Typic Calcigypsids, coarse loamy,mixed,hyperthermic (profile,7).
Land capability classes was performed using Sys & Verheye (1978) System, The studied soils could be categorized into two suitability classes (S3) marginally suitable and (N) not suitable which are suffering from soil texture, soil profile depth, salinity and alkalinity and CaCOз content as soil limitations. To correct the severity of these limitations further land improvement should be executed and in turn potential suitability surveyed as moderately suitable (S2), marginally suitable (S3) and not suitable (N) were recognized in the studied area. The severity can be corrected by application of organic and inorganic soil amendments and salt leaching
Keywords: (Remote sensing, GIS, Soil Classification, Soils of west Idfu, Aswan .)