Abdallah, S.A.; O.S. Gendy; M.H.Ried and M.A. El-Tohamy( 2007). Rblationship betweei{ amorphous inorganic Materials ah[d some soil properties of the North depressioi{s in the western desert of EgyptEgypt.J. of Appl. Sci.,22(6A) 2A07 357-371
Abstract: Fifteen soil profiles were seiected from some depressions ofthe western Desert cf Egypt for study amorphous materials in relation to soil properties. Data reveal that amorphous silica content ranges from 0.31 to 16.3%, arnorphous alumina ranges beti*reen 0.10 to 3.5Ya, whereas amorphous iron ranges from 0,13 to 12.3o/o. Data aiso show that amorphous content of the studied soils follow the order Siwa> El-Bahariya > El-Fayoum >wadi El- Natrun. The wide variation in total amor.ohous materials in the studied localities may be due to the chance of variation in the parent materials, soil formation processes, local conditions as well as reclamation, eultivation, irrigation and managment practies applied io each site. The stalistical analysis indicate that amorphous SiO2, Al:O: and Fezog are very positively highly significant correlation with each of CaCO: and OM contents and insignificant correlated with the major soil chemical properties.
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