Amal El-Guibali; Manal A. Attia and Samya E. H. Omran( 2016). Potassium fertilization in conjuction with foliar applied molybdenum and humic substances for Faba Bean. JSoil Sci. and Agric. Eng., Mansoura Univ., Vol. 7 (7): 487-493.
Abstract: Two field expereriments were carried out on sandy soil at a private farm, at El-Shaarawey Village, El Bustan Region, ElBehira Governorate located at lat. 30° 43' 22.01"N, long. 30° 13' 44.50" E. during two consecutive seasons at 2012/2013 and 2013/2014.The study was to assess the influence of appling K as soil addition alone or in combination with K foliar application and foliar applied humic substances (HS) at two rates (1 and 2 g/L) in absence or presence of foliar applied molybdenum (6 ppm)
on the yield productivity of faba bean plants (C.V Nubaria 1). The results could be summarized in the following points:
- Data inferred that molybdenum had a significant promotive effect on weight of pods/plant, 100-seed weight, straw, pod and seed yields. Also, the data indicated that content of N%, K% and their uptake , as well as protein% were significantlyincreased due to foliar application of molybdenum .
- Soil application of the half recommended rate(HR) of K with foliar spray of HS (1 or 2 g/L) or 1% potassium sulphate, irrespective of molybdenum treatments, gave the most positive effect on yield, its components, and uptake of N,P and K in seeds compared to sole application of full or half recommended rate with no significant differences in most cases.
- The highest pod or seed yield as well as weight of pods/plant were achieved by application of 50%-K along with foliar HS (1g/L) while, the highest 100-seed and straw yield were recorded by using HS (2g/L).
- The interaction effect on the studied characters notably appeared in the triple treatment of K-50% as soil addition with foliar application of humic substances at rate (1g/L) and molybdenum (6 ppm) which was superior to others and achieved the significant effect on 100-seed weight, straw yield, N%, P% ,K% and protein %, as well as N, P and K uptake.
Keywords: (Potassium Fertilization Conjuction Foliar Applied Molybdenum Humic Substances Faba Bean)