Rama T. Rashad *, Rashad A. Hussien( 2014). A comparison study on the effect of some Growth regulators on the nutrients content Of maize plant under salinity conditionsFaculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University
Abstract: A comparison study between the foliar application effects of the gibberellic acid (GA3), salicylic acid (SA) and silicon on the nutritional content of the maize plant leaves (Zea mays L. CV.) has been carried out through a pot experiment using an irrigation saline water. Chlorophyll, macroand micro-nutrients contents of the plant leaves were estimated for the untreated and the treated plants by a 100 mg L_1 solution of GA3, SA or Si. GA3 was found to be the most effective for resisting the severe salinity effects on the leaves’ chlorophyll followed by the Si then the SA. In almost the same order, the Fe, Zn and Si toxicity due to the salinity effects on the leaves could be reduced. Cu and Mn deficiency might be controlled but to a limited extent by SA then by GA3. Silicon ions may compete for the Na+ ions and hence reduce their absorption by the maize plants.
Keywords: (Gibberellic acid GA3; Salicylic acid SA; Silicon; Salinity resistance; Plant growth regulators PGR; Chlorophyll .)