Ismail, E.A.; T.A. Eid and E. M. Aly( 2015). Effect of Soil Moisture Defficincy on Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality
of Peach Trees
Egypt . J. of Appl. Sci., 30 (6) 2015 270-292
Abstract: Two field experiments were conducted at Farm, El-Kanater Horticultural Research Station, Kalubeia Governorate during two successive seasons (2013 and 2014) to study the effect three level of soil moisture depleted available water, (A.S.M.D) 20, 40 and60% on some water relations, water use efficiency, vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality, cultivating fruitful trees of " peach (Meet Ghamr and Florida prince cultivars). The main results can be summarized as follows:
The water consumptive use by Meet Ghamr Cv. and Florida Prince Cv. were as follows : (4825.8 and 4981.2 m3), (4359.6 and 4444.9 m3) and (3683.4 and 3834.6 m3) for 20,40 and 60% available soil moisture is depleted, respectively.
Significant effect of available soil moisture depletion on growth parameters, yield and related measurements. Meet Ghamr Cv. could give higher yield and water use efficiency under different irrigation water regimes compared with florida prince cultivar.
Keywords: (peach, irrigation, A.S.M.D, fruit yield.)