Heba M.A. Khalil( 2009). Assessment Of Organic Nitrogen Availability To Potato Plant Under Affecting Promoting Rhizobacterium And Mycorrhizal InoculationResearch Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences , 5(4): 583-587, 2009
Abstract: The benefits of AMF and GPRB of available N and P t o p o t a t o were examined in pot experimen t containing clay loam soil and fertilized with organic matter. Mycorrhizal colonization of potato plants was over whelmed by bacterial inoculation. Results indicated inoculation with GPRB strains and AMF increas ed shoot, root and total dry weight of potato plants significan t ly c ompared with single inoculation with AMF, or Ps. Putida, or B. megatherium or Azosp. Brasilense. Nitro g en an d phosphorus uptake were also increas ed in both s ingle and dual inoculation compared with uninoculated. So synergistic effect between AMF and GPRB was observed in my c orrhizal root infection. Ps. Putisa inoculation significantly incre a s ed p e rcentage of mycorrhizal infection. Dual inoculation of potato plant with Ps. Putida and AMF improved their growth significantly than other treatments. Generally, the dry matter accumulation, nitrogen and phosphorus uptake by shoots and roots were significantly higher with organic matter by single or dual non-inoculation than inocu la ted. Similarity, the nitrogen and phosphorus derived from organic matter recovered by shoots were increased by inoculation. These of s o il in co rp orated with organic matter than in soil non-fertilized. It is worthy to mention that the inoculation of p o t ato with Azospirillum seems to be promising and beneficial for enhancing p o tato growth and production. Furthermore, th e u s e of plant residues may act as an ideal slow release source of N and P because of its s tability through the period of experiment.
Keywords: (Potato plant, Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), Growth promoting rh izobacteria (GPRB), P-recovery, N-recovery, Organic residues.)