El-Dougdoug, Kh.A.; Shamy, M.M.M. and Heba M.A. Khalil( 2009). Potency Of Pseudomonas Fluorescens As A Biotic Inducing Inhibitors Against
Cucummber Mosaic Cucumovirus
Aus tralian Journal of Bas ic and Applied Sciences , 3(3): 2459-2464, 2009
ISSN 1991-8178
Abstract: Antiviral Ps. Fluorescens that des ignated as EG isolates from po t a t o rh izosphere soil in Egypt were ident ified b ased on morphological, biochemical tests and protein polymorphism. The strains were grown in King’s B b ro th medium and the obtained culture supernatant was filtered
through a 0.45 μl filt e r. It was further boiled at 100ºC for 10 min and tested to induce LAR and SAR for its ability to co n t ro l a Satellite cucumber mosaic virus (st. CMV-EG). In Local acquire resistance (LAR) boiled cu lt u re filt rate (BCF) was treated on one half of the leaves of Chenopodium amaranticolor followed by st. CMV. EG inoculated on both halves. In the systemic acquire resistance (SAR), BCF was t re a ted on the lower leaves of Nicotiana glutinosa, and st CMV-EC mechanically inocula t ed o n to the untreated upper leaves. In LAR, BCF treatment was able to considerably reduce the number of viral les ion and in SAR pla n t s t re a ted with BCF shown no visible and mild mos aic viral symptoms, compared to the King’s B media and rema ined throughout the study period. Thus, Ps. Fluorescens was able to produce an a n t iv ira l c omponent in the culture filtrate, which was found to be heat stable, non-phytotoxic and effective in local as well as sys temic hos t of CMV.
Keywords: (Bo iled culture filtrate (BCF), cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), local les ion, Pseudomonas fluorescens. )