Medhat Y. Abou - zeid.t- Hoda E. Ibrahim, Heba sh. Shehatal and Amal w. Abo El-Khairr( 2009). Potential For Improving Egyptian Clover Production And Quality By Co-Inoculation With Pseadomonas And RhizobiumEgypt. J. Biotechnol. vol. 31, Februury
Abstract: Two field experiments were carcied out in winter season of 2006-2007 and 2007-
2008 in a clay soil at Giza Experiment Farm, Agriculture Research Center (ARC) ta promote plant growth and improve quality of Egtptian clover (Trifotium
alexandrinum L.) cultivar Helalee by co-inoculation dffirent Pseudomonas spp. and Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifulii. Results of 5 cuts indicated that inoculation with Rhizobium or co-inoculation with Rhizobium and Pseadomonds spp. had positive effbcts on number of tillers/m2 and plant height (cm) for both seasois, where
the third cut was superior to other cuts of clover plants. Fresh and dry yield (ton/fed) increased significantly as a result of inoculation, where co-inoculation with Rhizobium and Pseudomonas fluorescens B gave the highest fresh and dry yield in
the first season, recorded 65.40 and 7.86 ton/fed which were increased by about 35 and 30 ok over control, respectively. In the second seeson, it were 68.03 and 8.43 ton / fed which inueased yield by about 4I and 40% over control by inoculation with P.
aeruginosa, respectively. The second cut was the superior to other cuts in fresh and dry yield for both seasons. Bacterial inoculation gave significant increases in root length and diameter, and root nodules number and dry weight after the first and second cuts for the second seoson. Co-inoculation with Rhizobium and P. putida led
to the highest root nodules number and dry weight in the first cut, *iiln it was
inoculated with only Rhizobium in the second cut. Results also indicated that coinoculation of used bacteria had a significant effect on some chemical constituents i.e.
crude fiber %( CF %o), asho/o, crude prateinok (CP o/o) and nitrogen free extracts o% NFEo/o). Where CFok, asho% and CP% increased significantly by co-inoculation with Rhizobium and P. fluorescens A, especially CPok, which inueased by about 26016 over control. Ilhile, NFE% was decreased significantly by ca-inoculation with Rhizobium and P. fluorescens A. Regarding some nutritive .values of clover, i.e. digestible crude protein % (DCP%o) and total digestible nutrients (fDN%o), data revealed that there were significont dffirences by inoculation, DCP% was increased
by about 35o% aver control as a result of co-inoculation with Rhizobium and P,
fluorescens A, whereas, TDN%o decreased significantly by inoculation.
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