مدير المعهد الحالى

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مدير المعهد

إدارات المعهد المتعاقبة
من البداية حتى الآن

أ.د/ سمير أبو سليمان

مدير معهد بحوث الأراضى والمياه والبيئة الفترة: 8-2005 - 11-2007

مواقع صديقة

مركز البحوث الزراعية
Agricultural Research Center
المكتبة القومية الزراعية
Egyptian National Agricultural Library
مزيد من المواقع الصديقة

مواقع مفيدة

المرجع الزراعى
Agri-Science Reference
المركز الدولى للبحوث الزراعية بالمناطق الجافة
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
كلية الزراعية جامعة عين شمس
Faculty of Agriculture Ain Shams University
مزيد من المواقع المفيدة

تابعونا على مواقع التواصل

أحدث البحوث المضافة

Hossam S. El-Beltagi , Fadl A. Hashem, Mona Maze, Tarek A. Shalaby, Wael F. Shehata and Noura M. Taha( 2022). Control of Gas Emissions (N2O and CO2) Associated with Applied Different Rates of Nitrogen and Their Influences on Growth, Productivity, and Physio-Biochemical Attributes of Green Bean Plants Grown under Different Irrigation MethodsAgronomy 2022, 12, 249.
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Doaa Ahmed El-Nagar a Dalal Hereimas Sary( 2021). Synthesis and characterization of nano bentonite and its effect on some properties of sandy soilsSoil & Tillage Research 208 (2021) 104872
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أحدث رسائل الماجستير
المضافة إلى الموقع

عبد الرحمن أمير عبده ( 2015).
الخمائر كاداه واعده لإنتاج الزيوت الميكروبيه.
Yeasts As Apromising Tool For Microbial Oil Production
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إيمان عبد المجيد زغلول( 2015).
كفــاءة الأســـمـدة النيتــروجينيــة فـي الأراضــي الملــوثــــة
Efficiency Of Nitrogen Fertilizers In Contaminated Soils
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أحدث رسائل الدكتوراه
المضافة إلى الموقع

محمد سعد عبد الستار رمضان( 2016).
علاج بعض الأراضي المصرية الملوثة بالعناصر الثقيلة باستخدام بعض النباتات المجمعة لهذه العناصر
Phytoremediation of Some Egyptian Soils Polluted with Heavy Metals
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أيمن حاكم سراج( 2015).
نمو ومحصول وامتصاص العناصر في الذرة متأثرة بالتسميد العضوي والحيوي تحت الظروف الملحية.
Growth, yield and nutrients uptake of maize as affected by organic and biofertilization under saline conditions
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Soliman Y.R., Omran A.M. and Abdellatif D.A.( 2013). Pedological Studies On Some Soils West Of Great Bitter Lake, Ismailia Governorate- EgyptFayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev., Vol. 27, No.2, July
Abstract: Sixteen soil profiles were chosen representing the identified physiographic units of the studied area west to The Great Bitter Lake to study its characteristic features, classify its soils and evaluate its ability for cultivation. The studied physiographic units are Old river terraces, Recent river terraces, Wadi bottoms, Soils of fans and outwash plains, Miscellaneous land types (which has two subunits namely faulted ridges and plateaus of sandstone and limestone and End of high land slopes) and Rock land. The study indicated that the soils have generally almost flat to gently undulating relief except some soils of end of high land slopes and old river terraces, and varied in some surface features like land cover and elevation. Soils are generally deep except end of high land slopes with texture from sand to sandy clay loam mainly have reddish color with dominance of coarse texture and high gravel content in most of studied soil profiles layers, with some rocks in soils of fans and outwash plains and end of high land slopes. All studied soils have low gypsum content and moderate calcium carbonate content with relatively high lime accumulation in some soils of old river terraces and fans makes diagnostic calcic horizon. Values of pH ranges between slightly to mildly alkaline with varied salinity levels from non to highly saline. Soil profiles are classified by using soil taxonomy to a number of families under Orthents as Entisols and Calcids as Aridisols orders. According to the degree of soil limitations in the studied profiles, the suitability indices for irrigated agriculture were calculated in its present condition and after specified major improvements. The soils of river terraces, fans and outwash plains, and wadi bottoms (about 24994 feddans) are considered as promising soil units for cultivation and the potential land characteristics of these units can be more adapted by chose the suitable land utilization types.

Keywords: (Ismailia Governorate, GIS, Land Evaluation, Soil Classification, Geomorphic Units.)

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