M. Ismail, Y. K. El Ghonamey and M.M. Shoman( 2012). Soil Mapping And Land Evaluation Of The Area Around Lake Idko, Egypt By Means Of Remote Sensing And GisMinufiya J. Agric. Res. Vol.37 No. 1: 247 – 259
Abstract: The studied area is located between longitudes 29 58 33".72 to 30 25 38".04 East and latitudes 31 06 04".74 to 31 21 50''.83 North and covers about 147,307 fed. A physiographic analysis using visual interpretation on Misrsat satellite image was carried out to delineate the different physiographic units of the studied area. The image have false color composite of bands 3,2,1 with scale 1:50000. Physiographic units were accurate defined by the Digital Elevation Model of the area around Lake Idko. Thirty eight soil profiles and fourty minipits were examined to represent the soils of the studied area. The physiographic units were incorporated with soil taxonomic units of sub great group level and field data to represent digital physiographic soil map of the studied area. The soils of studied area are slightly to very highly saline (EC values range from 1.0 to 17.7 dS/m). Soil texture is sandy to sandy clay. pH values range from 7.1 to 8.1. The soils are classified as Typic Torrifluvents, Vertic Torrifluvents, Typic Torripsamments, Typic Torriorthents, Typic Endoaquents and Oxyaquic Torripsamments.
According to current land capability, studied soils are moderately suitable (S2) and marginally suitable for agriculture (S3). The soils of class S2 form 35.06% of the studied area (~ 51644 fed.). It includes two subclass S2 x, and S2xn in which the texture and salinity are the limiting factors, respectively. The soils of class S3 cover an area of about 73279 fed. (49.74 %) and it contains four subclasses namely S3xn (with texture and salinity as limiting factors), S3xd (with texture and water table as limiting factors), S3tx (with topography and texture as limiting factors) and S3txn (with topography, texture and salinity as limiting factors). Potential capability reveals that the soils of class S3 could be improved to class S2. Four crops were selected to assess their convenience for cultivation in the studied area: wheat, barley, sugar beet and citrus. Sugar beet is the most suitable crop in the studied area followed by wheat, barley and citrus.
Keywords: (Remote sensing, GIS, soil mapping, land evaluation, Lake Idko.)