A.E. Hassanein , G.T.I. Abou El-Hag ; E.M.K. Behiry( 2009). Origin , Uniformity And Development Of El-Salhiya Area In The Eastern Desert Of EgyptMinufiya J. Agric. Res. Vol. 34 No.2: 789-807
Abstract: Six soil profiles were select representing the soils of El-Salhiya project . These soils were studied in order to evaluate their genesis , formation and development . Studied grain size distribution and statistical parameters indicate that these soils have mainly moderately to poorly sorted sediments with near symmetrical to fine skewed materials and leptokurtic to mesokurtic pattern . These parameters indicate that these soils are formed under water or both water and wind . With regard to the petrographic examination , data show that the light fraction are composed essentially of Quartz . The other associated minerals such as Feldspars are detected in small amounts . On the other hand , heavy minerals are dominated by opaque minerals . The non-opaque minerals are dominated by pyroboles ( pyroxenes+amphiboles ) and epidote . Zircon , rutile and tourmaline are presence in moderate amounts . Garnet , staurolite , kyanite and silimanite are found in less pronounced amounts. Moreover , the results indicate that these soils are formed heterogeneous materials either due to their multiorigin or due to a subsequent variation along the course of sedimentation . Therefore , they are pedologically considerd as weak develop and young
Keywords: (Origin , Uniformity, heavy minerals. )