Awaad M.S., Azza A. Rashad and Bayoumi M.A( 2009). Effect Of Farmyard Manure Combined With Some Phosphate Sources On The
Productivity Of Canola Plants Grown On A Sandy Soil
Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 5(6): 1176-1181, INSInet Publication
Abstract: A field experiment was carried out at Ismailia Agriculture Research Station during 2008 to study the effect of phosphate derived from either superphosphate fertilizer or phosphate ore individually and combined with farmyard manure (FYM) and phosphate dissolving bacteria (PDB) on vegetative growth, yield, nutrient status and oil quality of canola plants. Obtained results showed that, some characters of canola plants such as plant height, number of pods/ plant, dry pod weight g/ plant, straw and seed yields, were increased with addition of superphosphate or ore phosphate individually and combined with FYM. The highest values of growth parameters were recorded in case of phosphate ore combined with FYM + PDB. Also N, P and K concentrations and uptake by canola plants behaved a similar trend with that obtained at the vegetative growth. Total oil and protein yields were enhanced by the different applied phosphate sources individually or combined with FYM. Phosphate ore + FYM + PDB induced the greatest values of total oil and protein yields.
Keywords: (Canola plants, farmyard manure, phosphate sources, phosphate dissolving bacteria.)