Magdy H. Khider( 2012). Genesis And Uniformity Of Kom Ombo Western Plain Soils, EgyptMinufiya J. Agric. Res., (37) 5 1249-1261
Abstract: This investigation was performed on the soils of Kom Ombo western plain in order to evaluate their genesis and degree of homogeneity. Accordingly, nine soil profiles were selected to represent the main geomorphological units of the area. Representative soil samples were collected from these soil profiles and analyzed. The grain size distribution indicates that these soils are mainly medium sand and poorly sorted. Moreover, they are strongly coarse skewed to strongly fine skewed and very leptokurtic to extremely leptokurtic. This indicates that these soils are transported and deposited by water action. Mineralogical composition of the sand fraction reveals that the light fraction is generally dominated by quartz with less pronounced amounts of feldspars. The heavy minerals are composed essentially of opaques followed by zircon, amphiboles, rutile, pyroxenes and tourmaline. Garnet ,epidote, andulusite, silimanite, sturolite, and biotite are also present in less pronounced amounts. Uniformity and weathering ratios show that the soils of Kom Ombo western plain are heterogeneous either duo to their multi-origin or to subsequent variation along the course of sedimentation. Therefore, the soils are considered young from the pedological point of view.
Keywords: (soil genesis, uniformity, sorting, skewness, kurtosis, heavy light minerals.)