KHIDER, M.H., A.M. OMRAN and E.M.K. BEHIRY( 2009). Quantity-Intensity Relations Of Potassium In Soils Of Siwa Oasis, EgyptEgypt J.Appl. Sci., 24 (10b) 671-678
Abstract: Surface soil samples of 7 profiles in Siwa Oasis were taken to investigate their potassium Q/I relation. Standard methods were used to determine the potassium potential, the potassium buffering capacity and the activity ratio of potassium. The obtained data of potassium Q/I showed that potassium activity ratio (ARk) becomes lower as the soil texture becomes finer, yet it is not an indication for K-supplying ability of the tested soils. The K-potential buffering capacity (PBCk) ranges from 66.2 to 213.9 (me/ 100g) / (mol/ L) so their potential buffering capacity of K are low compared with those of the different soils of the Nile Valley and Delta
Keywords: (potassium activity ratio, K-supplying power.)