Khalil, A.A.1 ; Manal A. H. El-Gamal1 ; A.A.A.Mohamed1 And I.A. Al-Esaily2( 2011). Response of tomato to liquid ammonia and biofertilizers application
Egypt . J. Of Appl. Sci., 26 (9) 233-252
Abstract: Two field experiments were carried out during the fall seasons of 2009 and 2010 at the Experimental Res. Farm of El-Kassasin Horticultural Research Station, Ismailia Governorate, to assess effect of different nitrogen sources [liquid ammonia (LA) and solid ammonia (SA)], both applied at the same different rates (60, 90 and 120 kg N fed-1) in combination with the inoculation with Azotobacter and\or cyanobacteria, both applied individually or both in combination on growth, yield and NPK contents of tomato plants hybrid GS12 F1. As well as the soil biological activity were considered. Results revealed that fertilization by both nitrogen sources at 120 kg N fed-1 of tomato plants by solid ammonia (ammonium sulphate) and\or liquid ammonia gave the highest values of plant height, number of leaves plant-1, number of fruits/plant and fruits yield/plant with priority of solid ammonia than those recorded by the use of anhydrous ammonia. Also, fertilization by both nitrogen sources (SA & LA) at 90 kg N fed-1 in combination with dual inoculation with cyanobacteria and Azotobacter for tomato plants gave values of the tested tomato growth parameters not significantly differed from those recorded by the use of 120 kg N fed-1 without biofertilizers (control), along with priority of the use of SA rather than LA. However the difference recorded in tomato fruit yield due to the use of SA and \or LA was not significant. Dual inoculation of tomato plants with cyanobacteria and Azotobacter in combination with 90 kg N fed-1 enhanced the soil biological activity in terms of soil total count bacteria, cyanobacteria count, CO2 evolution and dehydrogenase activity, compared to the other tested treatments. The use of anhydrous ammonia as source of nitrogen fertilization for tomato is cheaper than the use of ammonium sulphate as source of nitrogen. As well as the use of LA as nitrogen source was ecofriendly, since it inhibits the soil nitrifying bacteria that produce metabolically the environmental pollution with excess nitrate problem.
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