Laila K.M.AH and Samira E. Mahrous ( 2009). Impact of Certain Orgainc Applications on the Distribution of some Heavy Metals in A Contaminated Soil in Relation to Plant Growth Egypt. J. Soil. Sci. 49, No. 2, pp. 171-187
Abstract: The present study was conducted on a sandy soil at Abou-JL Rawwash contaminated area, Giza, Egypt, Typic torripsamments, which had been irrigated continuously using sewage effluent for 20 years to study the effect of some natural and synthetic organic materials, i.e., hurnic acid(HA). fill vie acid(FA), CharcooS and EDTA at different rates on the mobility of Ni, Cd, Co and Pb and their effects on wheat growth. The results showed a drastic decrease of "Ni, Cd, Co and Pb in ail chemical fractions with increasing the application rate of HA. FA, charcooi and EBTA. except the organic bond fraction of them which took an opposite trend. HumL ticid has the superior effect on the immobile fraction percentage and metal bioavailability especially at the rate of 10%. The mean reduction percentage were 47.7, 41.2, 33.2 and 26.1%forNi. 33,3, 22.9, 9.38 and 4.17% for Cd. 32.1, 27.0, 17.1 and 3.30% for Pb and 33.3, 25.3, 25.8 and 16.0% for Co compared to the untreated soil due to the application of organic materials. The mobility index decreased in the order: Pb> Co > Ni> Cd in all treatments. The application of organic acids especially at rate of 10% had superior effect on decreasing Ni, Cd, Pb and Co concentrations in shoots and roots of wheat plant compared to the Sower rates. Content metals followed the ascending order Cd< Ni< Pb < Co for both shoots and roots of wheat plant.
Keywords: (Heavy metals, organic amendments. Sequential extraction, Mobility index, Wheat.)