Hoda M. R. M. Ahmed; Enshrah I. M. El-Maaz and Kh.A. Shaban( 2015). Effect of compost and bentonite on sandy soil properties and productivity of peanut Egypt . J. of Appl. Sci., 30 (7) 335-355
Abstract: A field experiment was carried out for two successive summer seasons 2013 and 2014 at Ismailia Agric. Res. Station to study the effect of individual and combined application of compost and bentionite on some soil physical and chemical properties, availability of some macro and micro nutrients and peanut (Giza 6) productivity and its chemical composition under sandy soil conditions.
The obtained results indicated a noticeable reduction in soil pH and salinity as a result of treating the soil with bentonite and compost compared to control. The effect is more pronounce in the soil treated with compost 7.5 ton/ fed + bentonite 7.5 ton/ fed and compost alone at rate of 15 ton/ fed. However, the O.M content and cation exchange capacity of the soil were improved with application of compost or bentonite. The content of O.M and cation exchange capacity of the soil were highly significant with compost at rate of (15 ton/ fed) and also, with the treatment of 7.5 ton/ fed compost + 7.5 ton/ fed bentonite compared to control. Applying 7.5 ton/ fed compost + 7.5 ton/ fed bentonite treatment had increasing the soil bulk density and total soil porosity values as compared to control and other treatments. The values of field capacity and wilting point caused used of different rates of used soil amendments led to increased with increasing rate of soil amendments. The values of available water increased being to increase the field capacity. The highest diameter of dry aggregates was affected by the applications of bentonite and compost while the lowest ones were affected by individual application of bentonite. The treatment with 7.5 ton/ fed compost + 7.5 ton/ fed bentonite resulted in an increase in the soil content of available N, P, K and Fe, Mn and Zn these increases were significant. Also, there was a significant increase in N, P and K contents of peanut seeds with 7.5 ton/ fed compost + 7.5 ton/ fed bentonite compared with control. The same treatments caused an increase in the concentrations of Fe, Mn and Zn in seeds. Data indicated that the yield and its components, (weight of 100 seeds, yield of straw (ton/fed) yield of seeds (ton/fed), protein (%) and oil (%)) were significantly increased by the different studied treatments of both compost and bontonite. The highest mean values of yield and its components were the combined treatments of bentonite and with compost at a high application rate compared to the control treatment.
Keywords: (Chemical physical properties- Compost - Bentonite – Peanut productivity - Sandy soil)