Rama T. Rashad and Rashad A. Hussien( 2018). Studying the solubility, availability, and uptake of silicon (si)
From some ore minerals in the sandy soil
STJSSA, ISSN p-ISSN 1412-3606 e-ISSN 2356-1424, DOI: 10.15608/stjssa.v15i1.21430
Abstract: The solubility and availability of Si from the feldspar, silica, and zeolite as Si-bearing minerals were studied in a sandy soil. Silicon uptake by the soybean (Glycine max L.) plant was discussed. The minerals used were applied before planting in two separate rates; rate 1 was 595.2 and rate 2 was 1190.5 kg ha-1 accompanied by 4.8 kg ha-1 constant rate of the K-humate sprayed as a solution on soil after planting in a complete randomized block design. The dissolved Si from the different minerals at rate 2 followed an opposite direction to their SiO2 percentage which may be due to their structural differences: silica (1.46 mg kg-1 -SiO2 = 98.4%) < zeolite (1.71 mg kg-1 -SiO2 = 75.9%) < feldspar (2.09 mg kg-1 -SiO2 = 71.9%). The individual mineral treatments at rate 2 have almost decreased the available NPK estimated after soybean harvesting. The K-humate has enhanced the effect of silica at rate 2 for the available N and P. The soybean seed yield (kg ha-1) increased significantly by 117.9% for the S1 + H, 109.2% for K-humate and 57.5% for the Z2 + H treatment. The seeds’ Si (mg kg-1) increased significantly from 3.6% to 102.9% affected by the silica treatments.
Keywords: (Feldspars, Sandy soil, Si, Silica, Zeolite.)