Doaa M. Khalifa and Mahmoud A. Esmaeil( 2017). Effect of compost tea, humic acid and bio-fertilizer on soil properties, productivity and quality of Egyptian Clover grown under saline soil ConditionsEgypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 32 (12) 2017 449 – 463
Abstract: Two field experiments were conducted during two successive winter seasons of 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 at Sahl El-Hussinia Agric. Res. Station, Sharkia Governorate, Egypt to evaluate the effect of humic acid, compost tea and bio-fertilizer on some soil chemical properties, macro and micro nutrients and Egyptian clover (TrifoliumalexandrinumL.) var. Meskawy productivity under saline soil conditions. A randomized complete block design was used. The soil pH and EC values were decreased due to different treatments. Soil pH values were not affected significantly in the soil treated with compost tea, humic acid and bio-fertilizer. ECshowed insignificant variation with different sources of fertilization. Also, there were positive significant effects on nutrient availability (macro or micro) in both seasons by the used fertilizers as well as their content in clover plants. The obtained data indicated that the Egyptian cloveryield was clearly affected by all treatments under saline soil conditions. The beneficial effects of all treatments compared with control onEgyptian cloveryield could be arranged according to the increase in dry yield (ton/fed) of clover as follows: Humic acid > compost tea > Bio-fertilizer > control. The relative increase of grain index as average values of both seasons were 2.26, 2.34 and 2.29 % for bio, humic acid and compost tea fertilizers, respectively. The obtained data indicated that application of bio-fertilizer, humic acid and compost tea had significantly increased the plant height (cm), fresh yield (ton fed-1), dry yield (ton fed-1), weight of 1000 seeds (g) and weight of seeds yield (ton fed-1).
Keywords: (Saline soil, Humic acid, Bio-fertilizer, Compost tea, Egyptian clover productivity.)