Fekry M. Ghazal, EL-Sayed M. Mahdy, Mohamed S. Abd EL- Fattah, Abd EL Gawad Y. EL-Sadany and Naeem M. E. Doha( 2018). The Use of Cyanobacteria as Biofertilizer in Wheat Cultivation under Different Nitrogen RatesNature and Science 2018;16(4)
Abstract: Nowadays, a great attention is paid in establishing concept of the associations between wheat plants and a variety of N2-fixing microorganisms. This phenomenon has entered the scientific scene arising from the prospects and the possibilities of their potentially application.. In the current study, cyanobacteria inoculation (SBI) was inoculated to wheat in a greenhouse experiment under different rates of nitrogen to find out its impact on wheat yield and its components as well as on some soil properties of the applied sandy soil. Results revealed that inoculation with cyanobacteria generally encouraged the growth of wheat plants. Also, the treatment of 75 % N + SBI gained the highest wheat grain and straw yields, highest total N, P and K contents for both grains and straw. These achieved results were not significantly different from those scored by 100 % N treatment. Due to the soil physical properties, results revealed that inoculation with cyanobacteria increased the proportion of macro- aggregates with a corresponding decrease in the micro-aggregates for the tested sandy soil. Wheat inoculation with cyanobacteria increased both soil organic matter and water holding capacity percentages and in contrast, it decreased the soil bulk density for tested soil. Generally, it is of preliminarily prediction that cyanobacteria inoculation might save almost 30 % of the mineral nitrogen needed for wheat production. Also, it can ameliorate and improve the physical properties of the marginal and poor soils such as the applied sandy soil.
[Fekry M. Ghazal, EL-Sayed M. Mahdy, Mohamed S. Abd EL- Fattah, Abd EL Gawad Y. EL-Sadany and Naeem
M. E. Doha. The Use of Cyanobacteria as Biofertilizer in Wheat Cultivation under Different Nitrogen Rates. Nat Sci 2018;16(4):30-35]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online). http://www.sciencepub.net/nature. 6. doi:10.7537/marsnsj160418.06.
Keywords: (Wheat cultivation – Cyanobacteria – Biofertilizer – Nitrogen rates.)