Matter, M.E.A.( 2008). Soil taxonomy and land evaluation of soils In suez governora te, EgyptEgypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 23(1) 2008 332.343
Abstract: Eight soil profiles represented different soils in the studied area were chosen for this investigation. This study showed that the soils under investigation had strong contrasting in soil texture. Also. these soils had all status of salinity, Le., non-saline, very slightly saline, saline, moderately saline and strongly saline. The studied area can be classified as Haplocalcids, Haplosalids and Torriorthents in the higher soil taxonomic level and as clayey, hyperthermic, Typic Haplocalcids; fine loamy, hyperthermic, Typic Haplocalcids; sandy, hyperthermic, Typic Haplocalcids; clayey, hyperthermic. Sodic Haplocalcids; fine loamy, hyperthermic, Typic Torriorthents and fine loamy. hyperthermic. Sodic Haplocalcids in the lower Taxonomic level. According to Sys et al. (1991) method of land evaluation. the studied
soils can be classified to the following capability classes: suitable (lI), slightly suitable (III), almost unsuitable (IV) and unsuitable (V) and also, included the capability subclasses of lIs, IIIs, IVs and Vs.
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