EI-Sebaey,M.M;M. E. Matter; T. A.EI-Magraby; and M.M.EL-Toukby( 2007). The complementarity effect between biogas manure, bio and n- fertilizers on yield and nutrients uptake by barley plantEgypt.]. of Appl. Sci., 22(4A) 2007 304.316
Abstract: Tow pot experiments were conducted in the Agricultural Research Station in Giza on barley plants (Hardeun vulgar, Giza 124) at 2004/ 2005 and 2005/2006 seasons. This investigation was carried out to study the effect of bio fertilizer(a mixture of Azotobzcter spp and Azospirillum spp) alone or mixed with N- fertilizer, and biogas manure on barley yield, some macronutrients and micronutrients in plant (barley) & soil, and microbial enzyme activities i.e. dehydrogenises and nitrogenase activity in soil during periods sowing of barley plants. Results showed that bio fertilizer +biogas treatment recorded tbe highest dry matter for both grains and straw. Nutrients were significantly increased in pl.ahts grown with addition biogas manure, bio fertilizer and N-fertilize. Biogas manure +N-fertilizer treatment recorded the highest uptake of Ca , Mg, Fe and Cu in both grains and straw. The highest upi.ake uf ,Mn in grains was conneci.eu wiih biugas manure + N-feriilize+ bio fertilizer treatment, but in straw was related to biogas manure + N-fertilize. On the other hand the highest uptake of Zn in grain was associated with the treatment biogas manure TN-femiizer Whiie the treatment of biogas manure recorded the highest uptake of Zn in straw of barley. Data"also showed that the dehyrogenase and the nitrogenase activity were increased with biogas manure + bio fertilizer, while the lowest activity of these enzymes were associated with N-fertilizer treatment. AB-DTPA extractable micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu ) were significantly increased as a result of-application of biogas manure, N-fertilizer and bio fertilizer. The increase progressed gradually with the addition of biogas manure.
Keywords: (Biogas manure, bio fertilizer, N-fertilizer, barley plants.)