Fekry M. Ghazal1, EL-Sayed M. Mahdy, Mohamed S. Abd EL- Fattah, Abd ELGawad Y. EL-Sadany and Naeem M. E. Doha( 2018). The Use Of Microalgae In Bioremediation Of The Textile Wastewater EffluentNat Sci 2018;16(3):98-104]. ISSN 1545-0740 (print); ISSN 2375-7167 (online).
Abstract: The run off of the textile dye effluents into Public water bodies is a major environmental and health problem. Color removal, in particular, recently becomes a substantial scientific interest, as revealed by the multitude of related research reports. During the past two decades, many physico-chemical decolorization techniques have been cleared, few, however, have been accepted by the textile industries. Their lack of implementation has been largely due to the high cost, low efficiency and ineffectively to a wide variety of dyes. The capacity of microorganisms to carry out dye decolorization has received much attention. Microalgae are considered as an important source for decolorizing the textile dye effluent. In the current work five local microalgae strains nameely Anabaena flos aquae, Nostoc elepsosporum, Nostoc linkia, Anabaena variabilis and Chlorella vulgaris, were screened for their efficiency to grow on and the removal of the red color and the heavy metals, i.e., Chromium, lead, iron, copper, Molybdenum and arsenic from the textile wastewater effluent discharged by The textile factory located at the six October City, Industrial Region, Giza Governorate, Egypt. Results revealed that all tested microalgae strains were able to remove the color of the textile wastewater effluent after 4 weeks incubation periods under continuous illumination. Also, N. elepsosporum recorded the highest percentage of color removal percentage followed by C. vulgaris, A. Variabilis, N. linkia and A. flos aquae after 4 weeks of incubation. All the tested microalgae strains were able to remove Cr, Pb, Cu, Mo and As in different degrees. On the other respect, all tested microalgae strains raised pH and DO of the textile wastewater effluent, while they reduced EC, COD and BOD compared to the initial values of the initial values recorded by textile wastewater effluent. However, the more work should be done to confirm the ability of microalgae to be considered as a promising alternative of biological treatment to reduce the pollution load resulted from the textile wastewaters proposed to be drained into the public water bodies.
Keywords: (Anabaena flos aquae, Nostoc elepsosporum, Nostoc linkia, Anabaena variabilis Chlorella vulgaris. textile wastewater, physico-chemical properties, heavy metals, declorization.)