مدير المعهد الحالى

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مدير المعهد

إدارات المعهد المتعاقبة
من البداية حتى الآن

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مدير المعهد الفترة: 2021- حتي اﻵن

مواقع صديقة

مركز البحوث الزراعية
Agricultural Research Center
وزارة الزراعة وإستصلاح الأراضى
Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation
مزيد من المواقع الصديقة

مواقع مفيدة

منظمة الأغذبة والزراعة بالأمم المتحدة
Food And Agriculture Organization OF The United Nations
كلية الزراعية جامعة عين شمس
Faculty of Agriculture Ain Shams University
المرجع الزراعى
Agri-Science Reference
مزيد من المواقع المفيدة

تابعونا على مواقع التواصل

أحدث البحوث المضافة

Hossam S. El-Beltagi , Fadl A. Hashem, Mona Maze, Tarek A. Shalaby, Wael F. Shehata and Noura M. Taha( 2022). Control of Gas Emissions (N2O and CO2) Associated with Applied Different Rates of Nitrogen and Their Influences on Growth, Productivity, and Physio-Biochemical Attributes of Green Bean Plants Grown under Different Irrigation MethodsAgronomy 2022, 12, 249.
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Doaa Ahmed El-Nagar a Dalal Hereimas Sary( 2021). Synthesis and characterization of nano bentonite and its effect on some properties of sandy soilsSoil & Tillage Research 208 (2021) 104872
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أحدث رسائل الماجستير
المضافة إلى الموقع

عبد الرحمن أمير عبده ( 2015).
الخمائر كاداه واعده لإنتاج الزيوت الميكروبيه.
Yeasts As Apromising Tool For Microbial Oil Production
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إيمان عبد المجيد زغلول( 2015).
كفــاءة الأســـمـدة النيتــروجينيــة فـي الأراضــي الملــوثــــة
Efficiency Of Nitrogen Fertilizers In Contaminated Soils
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أحدث رسائل الدكتوراه
المضافة إلى الموقع

محمد سعد عبد الستار رمضان( 2016).
علاج بعض الأراضي المصرية الملوثة بالعناصر الثقيلة باستخدام بعض النباتات المجمعة لهذه العناصر
Phytoremediation of Some Egyptian Soils Polluted with Heavy Metals
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أيمن حاكم سراج( 2015).
نمو ومحصول وامتصاص العناصر في الذرة متأثرة بالتسميد العضوي والحيوي تحت الظروف الملحية.
Growth, yield and nutrients uptake of maize as affected by organic and biofertilization under saline conditions
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Gendy A.A.S. ( 2012). Some Micromorphological Characteristics In The Middle Nile Delta Region Under Different Drainge SystemsEgypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 27 (4) 2012 267-278
Abstract: The Purpose of this investigation is to study the micromorphological characteristics of soils under two different systems drainage in Kuttour region EL-Gharbiya governorate. Three soil profiles were studied. One profile was nearby an open ditch surface drain ; a second profile was nearby a tile drain and third profile was located between the two profiles. Micromorphological investigation shows that the microstructure of the studied soils has a cracked to intergrain microaggregate structure in the surface layer and subangular blocky in subsurface layer. Regarding the soil voide, the three profiles have similar voids mainly simple and compound packing voids, vughs channels and chambers. The morphology of the coarse mineral materials dominated by macro, meso and micro grains dominate the morphology of the coarse mineral materials. The fine mineral are yellowish brown to brown, heterogeneous and composed of mixtures of clay minerals, calcium carbonate, organic matter and iron and manganese components. The b-fabric of the ground mass are speckled, stippled and porostraited around a plane. The type of the distribution pattern are monic or chitonie, enaulic and close and open porphyric. Types of pedofeatures in the studies soil profiles, are amoephous brown nodules of sesquioxides minerals, typic nodule of calcitic crystalline, infilling voids with fine material, cutan of iron oxides.Variation of different drainage patterns seemed to have improved the soil physical properties, which was reflected in improved microstructure, although with time some problems, would arise. The main dominant voids are horizontal planes. Iron oxides were precipitated in voids closing them. Many nodules of calcium carbonates, ferrans and calcitans were occurred in the voids . The hydraulic conductivity was relatively low which contributed in making the soil wet, causing reduction is reducing environments salinity and sodicity could occur.

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