Abd El-Dayem A.O.A ,El-Farghal W.M.and Nadia A.Mahamad ( 2009). EFFECT OF SOIL AMENDMENTS ON SOME SOIL PROPERTIESSOURCE :Egypt J of APPL.Sci vol 24 No 4A APRIL 333-350
Abstract: The current investigation was carried out to study the effect of poudritte and tafla on thermal ,physical and chemical properties of soils. The soils were collected from Ismalia and El-Nobareya Agriculture Research station. The soils were packed in columns , each column filled with 7 Kg air dried soil.. The treatments were control, poudritte at rate of 3% and 5% , Tafla at rate of 3% and 5%.Treatments were carried out in three replicates. The amendments materials were added and thoroughly mixed with the soil of each column. After cycles of witting and drying through the period of experiment and irrigated when the moisture arrived at wilting point and re-irrigated the columns until the moisture content arrived to field capacity . Sample were taken after one month and six months for physical and chemical analysis .All conditioners showed improvement in the properties of the two soils .Bulk density decreased , while total porosity increased. Soil hydraulic conductivity decreased in sandy soil but increased in calcareous soil. All conditioners raised the moisture retention capacity up to two –fifths in sandy soil and less than one –tenth in calcareous soil as well as available moisture which was 5.77 % improving to 8.09 to 9.96 % in sandy soil comparable for the calcareous soil were 24% improving to 24.9-27% .In sandy soil, treatments receiving Poudritte or Tafla caused greater salinity since there was an increase in EC. Also cation exchange capacity increased by Poudritte and Tafla. Organic matter increased markedly by Poudritte but not by Tafla.In the calcareous soil, Tafla affected EC but Poudrite had no effect. The patteren of change concerning CEC and organic matter was similar to those of sandy soil. Conditioners increased the volumetric heat capacity at field capacity , and wilting point for sandy soil, increased from 34.34 (control) to (48.52, 57.29) at rate 3% and 5% of Poudritte as well as (47.28, 51.86) at rate 3% and 5% of Tafla after one month in sandy soil .The same trend that conditioners coused an increased in volumetric heat capacity increased from 34.34 (control) to(47.28, 51.86) and (47.70, 56.06) at rate 3% and 5% for Poudriet and Tafla respectively after six months in the sandy soil. With regard to calcareous soil conditioners increased the volumetric heat capacity at field capacity , wilting point after one month their values were (151.87, 155.19, 152.29 and 155.67 ) at field capacity ,(51.37, 43.35 ,40.80 , 53.44 and 55.11 )at wilting point .for non, 3% , 5% Podritte and 3% , 5% Tafla after one month respectively.
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